velvet suicide


Your tears on my pillow,
velvet suicide
looks like a diamond,
looks like a shadow
tears of a happiness,
I miss you every night

pick up the telephone,
stop silly words
destroy myself again

I sit on the floor,
like a wild animal,
velvet suicide

you are close to me,
youre inside of me

satellite of love,
yeah come on,
destroy myself again

I just sit on the floor,
velvet suicide

stars shine everywhere,
velvet suicide
something is broken,
I guess can
I fix it or was it my mind

You are close to me,
velvet suicide
you are inside of me,
velvet suicide

satellite of love yeah,
come on, come on,
come on, come on
velvet suicide

Hey sweety,
you shlould be close to me


Roman Mikulka aka mikrom. Ajťák, opravář, programátor samouk, elektrotechnik, koloběžkář a geocacher. Více na samostatné stránce O mně.

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